Monday, April 7, 2008

What are you growing?

Seth bought a million seeds this spring and had the kids help plant the first of them throughout the yard and in planters in the courtyard. Signs of Spring are showing up everywhere and it's so exciting! If you haven't noticed already, I've added a poll to the upper right side of this blog. What I want to know is: are you planting things this season? and if so, what?


Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

what's that stuff in the top right? i have some of that growing too. but i have no idea what it is!

Amanda Conley said...

They are peonies. Congratulations if you have them! They're awesome!

Vailmama said...

We're going to try to grow some new house plants since we don't have any outdoor space. I usually do one or two large mixed flower pots out on the deck also, and there are hummingbird feeders out there every summer so that is nice too! Z's going to flip out over the hummingbirds this year!