1. He's really smart.
2. He knows more about art than anyone I've ever talk to.
3. He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman ever.
4. He's strong.
5. He's a great father.
6. He makes me laugh.
7. He can finish my sentences and I can finish his.
8. He doesn't get mad at me when I punch him in the middle of the night because he is snoring.
9. He gets up with the baby.
10. He doesn't mind running to the store for me.
11. He never tells me that I can't do something.
12. He makes coffee for me every morning.
13. To watch him paint is completely mesmorizing.
14. Even more so to watch him draw.
15. He supports my jewelry business wholeheartedly.
16. He supports me volunteering at my Bible study.
17. He loves God.
18. He's becoming more like Jesus everyday.
19. He reaches out to people that others wouldn't.
20. He can cook - and does.
21. He's as much of a homebody as I am.
22. If I tell him I need a day off, he tells me that I'm not allowed to do anything that I don't want to do.
23. When he gets interested in something, he learns everything there is to know about it.
24. He loves my cooking.
25. He lets me have more than half the bed.
26. He is always willing to help anyone out.
27. He is always very optomistic.
28. He has a fabulous laugh.
29. And he thinks that I am funny;)
30. He chases me when I get mad and storm off.
31. He won't go to bed angry.
32. He lets me be me.
33. He is handsome.
34. He wants to grow old with me!
I love you Seth!
Sounds like you have a great husband. A real catch and a keeper and a man of God. Today is the day that God brought him into the world...that was a beautiful day...he was made especially for you. What a day for celebration. Happy Birthday, Seth!!!!
I'm with Amanda!! I get 2/3rds and my husband who doesn't move gets 1/3 that way he does get kicked. Seems like a fair deal to me. We have a Cal. King.
Happy Birthday Seth!!!
oh i love it...hope you had some great b-day time together! its so good to be thankful. he sure is lucky to have you too. ;)
happy birthday seth!!
Very sweet! Happy Birthday, Seth! (And I'm with everyone else about definitely needing more than 1/2 of the bed. I can never believe it when I hear of married couples sleeping in a double. They need an upgrade!)
PS-Thanks for the comment on my potty training/night terror post.
His mother-in-law loves him too! Happy B'day, Seth, --jd
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