Monday, January 14, 2008

Coke is it.

I love these Coca-Cola bottles! Seth bought them (with Coke inside, of course) around Christmas time at the grocery and I lined the empty ones up on the table with one white rose in each. So pretty. Ali just did a post about the Classic Coke can which is also cool, but I probably wouldn't keep the empty cans...


ali said...

Ha! Yes, the bottles are definitely easier/better to keep ahold of. Gotta love Coke.

p.s. I'm sorry I inadvertently copied your profile photo! I think you were subconsciously my inspiration. :)

Vailmama said...

Those are sooo cool! I've never seen ones like that before.

Kelly said...

Thanks for commenting on Design Crush and sending me your way!

I'm a nut for a good bottle and these are fantastic.