Thursday, December 30, 2010

A little cuddle

I feel like I'm constantly battling against the age of the video game. But when I saw this, I thought that these games can't be all bad....


Ariana said...

Yes they can!! I admit my 2 year old is super cute sitting in her Papa's lap watching him fly through space, but really, this is rotting her brain and taking the place of real interactive quality time together. I've got major beef with video games, if you can't tell. The boys are very cute, though!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, that is the PICTURE of Ryan and Jack!!
i was going to be a no tv, no computer, absolutely no video game mama. HAHA. our kids just flat out live in the tech age; i've found that they haven't lost a whit of imagination even though they play their fare share of video games. boys will be boys!