Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jewelry Memories

The Etsy Metal Blog Carnival question this month is "What is your best jewelry memory?"

This is a hard one for me because I have so many! But my best ones all revolve around people that I love (and who love me) giving me a piece of jewelry to mark a special occasion. My parents, who gave me a sterling silver key necklace when I turned 16 and a pearl and diamond one when I turned 18. The plain white gold band that my husband slipped on my finger when I said "I do" and that within a year, slipped right off my finger again to be lost forever because it was two sizes too big. And then the various handmade pieces my husband has bought for me, my silver dime bracelet and necklace, my topaz ring...and the most recent, a new wedding band - from the same man - with diamonds all the way around.
The pieces of jewelry that mark the stages of my life are like the stones that the ancients would pile up to be a witness of important and wonderful events in their journey. They help me remember.

Read about other team member's favorite jewelry memory here:
Andes Cruz Designs
Danielle Miller
Sara Westermark


Anonymous said...

hey amanda!

i just found your blog and wanted to say that i love my fig! thank you so much for providing me with a favorite jewelry memory.


Amanda Conley said...

yay, Carrie! It was so fun to make too. I hope I'll see you around! =)

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

where have you gone?