Thursday, July 3, 2008


I love children and I love babies...I mean I have three of them. But I have thought the thought, "Why bring another child into this world?" I mean, this is the world where random accidents happen, where a lot of people don't even want their children, where I battle my own thoughts every day and I'm sure my kids do, too. This is a place where I get my feelings hurt and where I can't help but sometimes hurt others. I was battling this very thought the other night as I lay tossing and turning in bed when I heard a voice in my the midst of my thoughts say, "I'm not bringing a child into this world, I'm creating a person from nothing but My own thoughts to be a part of this world and then forever with ME." I then envisioned the miracle of the act of creation, an act the gives God the name Creator. An act that gives Him glory that no one else can ever share because no one else can create in that way. It's so amazing, the development of a baby, but it only takes Him nine months to make one fully formed. It's miraculous, but I can expect that from Him. What is really amazing to me is the miracle that occurs after we are born. That a Spirit could teach us to depend on Him and walk with him in the midst of this broken world that we've come into. When we learn to love each other despite the hurt we experience. That God can change a soul from bent toward self to striving to be for others for the glory of God. That is an even bigger miracle, because it took 33 whole years of one man's perfect life and his willingness to give it away to make this miracle happen. God actually came into this world as a baby. He knows that mental battle. He knows that accidents happen. He knows that feelings get hurt and people sometimes just want to quit. But because of his life and death on this earth, each of our lives can reflect something that is... otherworldly. And that is just what this world needs.
Happy Birthday, Juniper.


Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

is this also your way of telling us something?

Amanda Conley said...

no. I'm not pregnant. Just been thinking about babies.

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

hmmm...this could be taken in sooo many ways! It starts out one way, and sort of ends another. Babies are so precious, and I have always felt they are living being from the moment of conception. If left uninterrupted they become a beautiful spirited life.

Amanda Conley said...

..and with friends having sweet babies, it makes me want one too. Should I? or should I not? That is the question.

Vailmama said...

What does Seth have to say about it?

Joan Del said...

You're the best Mama in the whole world! I should have taken lessons from you.