Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The boys are Super Heros

We spent most of the day at the zoo today.  When we came home, we did a History lesson and then moved right on to something that the boys have been pressuring me to let them do for a while - make their own super hero masks.

I asked them to draw out original super hero designs a while ago because I was going to make them for the boys for Christmas. But they came up with these really elaborate designs that I didn't know how I would make become a reality. I asked them to simplify them, but they just said, "Mom, you can do anything!" so, after that, I decided just let them sew their own designs! That way they could see for themselves how much work it takes!

We started out with some simple super hero templates (I got them from here - but beware, they are very small, so if you are doing this for bigger kids, you might want to adjust them a bit.)  
We made the batman one, so that the kids could see how to cut the paper template and trace it on the felt, and so they could learn how to sew on the elastic. 

Then they set to work on their own designs.

Elijah's super hero is named "FlameBurst."
He drew his own template without the help of the printed templates, and cut it out, and did all the decorations and sewing himself!

Emet's super hero is named "Spider Wolf"
He drew out his design, which I turned into a workable template for him. He drew all the decorations himself and did most of the sewing.

It was a great project.
And now I'm tired. But happy.
Time to make dinner....


Sarah Altemus said...

my boys would LOVE this!! Thanks for posting!!!!! You are so creative!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'm going to start working {now} on felt superhero masks to give to the boys for Christmas. I pinned it awhile ago and can't wait! Not sure I'd trust Jack with a needle yet, haha!