It's finished. And I'm going to have to bid on it at the auction because I want to keep it so badly.
Normally I edit my photos down way better than I did today, but I couldn't choose which ones to show you because this birdhouse has consumed so much of my waking and sleeping thoughts lately. So, I guess you're just going to have to deal with a huge load of pictures. Besides, if I get outbid at the charity, I'll be glad for all these shots.
This is the back:

This is the front:
This is so cute! I love it.
Oh how much work must have gone into this! I love all the little details you've put so much care into making.
This is SO adorable!!! Awesome Job.
I can't believe how much work you put into that. It is fabulous!
So glad you took many photos 'cause the bidding will get so high you won't be able to afford it. It's amazing!
Thank you everyone!!
That is so so so beautiful and delicate and just everything I dreamed of when I was a little girl! The attention to detail is totally fabulous! Brilliant, well done!
oh my goodness, that detail is so cool!
I came across your blog via your comment on Emily Henderson's blog -- and I just had to comment to tell you how SERIOUSLY AWESOME your birdhouse dollhouse is! The detail is amazing and the whole idea is just so fantastic!! I love love love it!!
Thanks so much Andrea! :-)
I. LOVE! this. I love the painted on things like the umbrella and keys the best. It really makes me nostalgic for a bit of childhood when I saw things like this and they came to life - your design totally does this for me!!
(I too came here via Emily Henderson's blog.)
i am dying. this is so cool!!!!!!!
came via cocoon home blog
electric fringe
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