Monday, August 25, 2008

A Little Pretty in a Tent

I just bought some paper lanterns to hang in my jewelry tent. I'll be traveling to my first out of town show in October, so I want to make sure my booth is decked out.


Courtney said...

Oooo maybe I will try that next year! I have my first one next week! I am excited and overwhelmed with everything I need to do! I love the laterns - they will look great! Good luck and sell lots!

Courtney said...

Good luck with the art show; the lanterns will look pretty - I never tire of them!

Anonymous said...

Seth's show was great. Sorry we didn't stay long. I loved Julia's paintings.

Let me know if you want to borrow anything for the show. I have those bodices and other oddities that might prove useful.


Learning Spanish at 41 said...

Pretty...wish we'd had those at our last show. Hope you do great!