Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Multitasking in the New Year

New Years resolutions have been roving through my thoughts, yet they all seem overwhelming considering I had so much on my plate last year. After taking several days easy over the holidays, I have found it a huge challenge to get myself going again in an efficient manner. And I certainly have to be efficient because I seem to have the tendency to cram so much into my day and then add some more! I decided to write down a typical day at home (I have two days a week out for Bible study, so those days are different) so that I can see where I need to utilize some time management and so I can take some added pressure off if I observe that I have been pulling my weight. (image from flickr)

A Typical At Home Day.
(There is no added things in this schedule like making someone dinner or helping Seth with some business or art related thing or doing a commission. I have to drop a normal thing to get those things done, I think..)
6:45 Rise and shine. Get the kids fed and off to school.
7:35 Eat breakfast while my little buddy Emet eats frozen blueberries.
7:45 Do my Bible study.
8:30 Catch up on emails, do a blog.
9:15 Do house work/play with Emet
10:00 Make phone calls
11:00 Make Emet's lunch/ do dishes or just sit and play with Emet
11:30-12:30 Exercise (I clean and put Emet down for his nap during commercials)
12:35 Eat lunch (I'm starving by this time)
12:55 Take a shower (a luxurious part of the day)
1:30-2:30 Work on jewelry
2:35 Go pick up the boys from school (and do carpools)
3:15 get home and make snacks
3:40 Help the kids get started on homework/ go through all the school papers/ help with homework
4:30 Start prepping dinner/ finish up a jewelry project
5:00 Make dinner
5:35 Eat dinner
6:10 Help kids clean up their stuff/ read chapters out loud from their books
7:00 get the kids situated with a quiet activity such as reading on their own or coloring/ clean up the kitchen
8:00 Lights out for the boys/ I crash and watch some TV (during commercials I catch up on magazines)
9:30 Pack kids lunches/Get ready for bed
10:00 Get in bed and read a chapter of my book.
10:30 sleep....................
O.K. That's it. When I'm doing it, it seems like a lot. But now that I have written it down it doesn't seem like so much. Hmmm, it had the opposite effect that I hoped it would have.
Well, how do you get it all done? What's your favorite multitasking tip?


Anonymous said...

whew...its so easy to have a lot on our plates, especially with kids.

my favorite multitasking tip? keep things as simple as possible. it helps to multitask when there is less around! clean out old drawers, cabinets, closets, and whatever you don't need. i've found that getting rid of things and organizing has gone a long way towards efficiency, and its really changed my life to make it a habit. it makes things so much easier to maintain.
i think sometimes we become so wrapped up in what we need to be doing that we forget to simplify our lives. life is so full, and rest is something we all need to fully embrace. its a hard balance between resting and efficiency, isn't it? i'm still learning that balance, but this past year i really made an effort to simplify and rest, and i feel the better for it, and life is more balanced.
you're an amazing mom amanda!! (and person)

Amanda Conley said...

Thanks Amy. You're right about simplifying for sure!

Vailmama said...

Amy took the words right out of my mouth! Organization IS the key to life. It's funny, I thought oppositely of you in that I feel like it's just "all in a day's work" when you're doing it but to see/read it all written out really shows me how much it all is. Keep up the great work!