I have been trying to use everyday things and happenings to talk to my kids about who God is, and to show them how truth is applicable in their lives. In Deuteronomy 6, it says to talk about God's commandments when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. I have asked Him "How do I go about doing this, so that my kids can understand?" and God has been so faithful to provide pictures and analogies that come in our everyday lives.
I have been thinking about some of the symbols that we incorporate on Halloween, especially the jack-o-lantern. My children have made some jack-o-lanterns for crafts at school, which has given me the perfect opportunity to tell them about how Jesus shines a light out of them because he lives in their hearts. "For God, who said,"Let light shine out of the darkness." made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Cor. 4:6
I have also been thinking about all those children who go door to door searching for good treats to satisfy their sweet tooth, and how we all tend to go around looking for that thing that will satisfy us. My children are very familiar with the feeling of being "bored" and desiring something to do to make that feeling go away. So I have reminded them of that feeling as I explained that everyone feels those feelings, and that Jesus is the one who satisfies all of our deepest sweet teeth. "Praise the Lord...who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles." Psalm 103:5
I have reminded them that on Halloween, as children go searching for sweet satisfaction, that we are a bright light of Jesus, handing out love to everyone.
Speaking of sweet teeth, Emet apparently has a mouthful of them. He did not want to show off his Elmo costume, but once he realized that there was candy involved he became so bold as to bang on the door of an absent homeowner and throw a fit on the front porch because we had to leave without receiving any goodies. Then he ate a Hershey's kiss when I wasn't looking, tin foil wrapper and all. Great. That's what I get for letting Mimi give him M&M'S this early in his life!
You children are so blessed to have you for their mother! There is nothing more important than instilling christian values in our children. We as parents are responsible.
Don't blame me! His sweet tooth was fully developed before I gave him those M&Ms. Adorable pictures of adorable children. Hug and kiss them for me. --Mom
Oh my goodness...Did Emet get a haircut?
Yes, a couple of weeks ago. I got tired of Seth calling him "Fro-doe"
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