Friday, July 27, 2007


This is me if I were a Simpson. I also took a personality test last night and found out that I am personality type INFJ. Apparently this is a complex personality type that only 1% of the total population has (what a coincidence that one of my blogging friends has the same one!) I was hoping the letters stood for Intelligent Nice Friendly Joyful, but they actually mean Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging or introverted intuition with extroverted feeling. Interesting.


Anonymous said...

I missed so many blogs and I was only away for 4 days! I am an INTJ!

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

I like your Simpsons character! The site is down, but I've got to try that!

rachel @ blackeiffel said...

Holy cow I am an INFJ too! I took the test in a psychology class in HS and I've only met one other person who is the same. Wow. Great to find another one of the 1%!

Amanda Conley said...

Wow! No wonder I like your blog so much ;)