I have just finished The Secret Lives of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. It was a pretty fast read and I enjoyed reading it. I loved being in the time period when my own mother was a little girl and some of the passages gave me pictures of how her life might have been. And although I would recommend this book to anyone, I have to attach to it a disclaimer. There were some religious ideas that conflicted with my beliefs in this book. In a particularly touching moment, an older woman touches the heart of the little girl and tells her that everything she needs in life she will find within herself. Well, if that's true, than I am disabled, dysfunctional and pretty much defunct because left all alone I am nothing and have nothing. The only way I can reach in myself and pull out any power is because Jesus lives in me and he told me that if I "remain [in Him, he] will remain [in me.]" (John 15:4)
Even if I didn't know enough to desire Him to live in me to be my source for everything, I would still need others (and do, because God uses them for His purposes in my life) in order to survive. No wonder there are so many people dealing with the bane of "addiction to co-dependence;" for we have been hard wired to need something or someone other than ourselves, otherwise our search for truth or God wouldn't be needed. He has made us needy so that we will search for Him and He will be found by us.
So anyway, that's what I thought.
I also did a collage based on the book. I know, I'm such a dork. I did it when I was bored.